Tymczasem załączam zdjęcia z sesji, na której gościnnie wystąpiła pewna bardzo fotogeniczna Agnieszka.
Welcome back after the break! Oxford's summer is hopeless - apart from a five-day sunny spell, ALL OF JULY was rainy. In those conditions I was trying out a new role, i.e. that of a zoology teacher at one of the many summer schools that take over Oxford in the summer. My students were pretty unimpressed at the idea of outings in rain and mud, but we managed to get on with it, and have visited the university farm, collected water samples to look at aquatic invertebrates, tested radio-tracking collars, analysed the tracks of various animals - and had a good amount of fun at it too!
In the meantime I bring you photos from a shoot which has been graced by the presence of a certain highly photogenic Agnieszka.

A oto Agnieszka:
Top, scarf, shorts - charity shop | shoes - New Look | coat - Gloucester Green vintage market | earrings - made myself